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 As a graphic designer with four years of experience, I have worked with corporations, fashion designers, start-ups, retailers, entertainment companies, and others. Designing brands and marketing via social media are my specialties. 

Social media KPIs are measurable metrics that reflect social media performance and prove social’s ROI for a business. Tracking specific numbers allows your team to ensure its social strategy connects with the target audience and that your brand is achieving its business goals.

I have experience in setting up KPIs for each social media campaign and each social media channel. My experience in creating a marketing campaign is very specific, which is data-driven, and the result shows all of the social media activities.

Measurable: Will you be able to track and quantify your progress


Attainable: Keep it real. Set KPIs that are within an achievable scope.

Relevant: Make sure each social media KPI connects to the brand’s larger goals.

Timely: The timeframe for achieving this goal and determining whether success has been met (One week, one month, six months, one year, etc.)



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