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Sedia. It is made out of an acrylic sheet and metal tube. This chair has a refined design from a lounge chair to a simpler form. With fewer lines and curve, the chair has a better characteristic and served the minimalistic principle.


It is inspired by Cini Boeri and Tomu Katayangai ‘s Ghost arm chair. I am amazed that that arm chair can be made out of glass and even mass produced. The designer had made a customized mold for the arm chair, the structure of the arm is surprisingly stable. However, my favorite part is the esthetic element of the chair, the shape and line is simplified, fits perfect as a trend for minimalist. The material itself is special which has already impressed me at the first sight. Therefore, this is the reason why I wanted to make a chair has such a strong characteristic.

Revisiting A Journal of the Plague Year 2
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Market Research

There is absolute demand in the high ended market. From my research in assessment one, I have analyzed furniture that exists the market (ie moooi, HAY, PS LAB), finding out that there are four essential elements for the luxurious product. 


-Unique shape furniture 

-Esthetic looking

-Elegant looking for high-end market

-Material combination


For example, the perch light from moooi has used simple origami shape as a design and the simplicity of it has certainly caught attention.  The poetic and elegant outlook certainly caught my attention.

Brand Principle

-Target: High end market

-Price: Luxury, expensive 

-Quantity: Limited, handmade


-Unique shape furniture 

-Esthetic looking

-Curvy shape

-Elegant looking for high end market

-Material combination

Wood + Glass + Steel + Plastic


Savoir Vivre is a luxurious brand which fulfills my definition for design. In general, there are three main collections, Designer select, sphere collection and float collection. 


These selected design looks elegant and unique which fulfill your high ended taste and for your living space. The principle is "make it yours, style your home'. The word 'style' has an essential part for the brand slogan. Style implies to put your own preference into your design, which space has your own characteristic.

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